News, sports and entertainment for Richland Parish, La.

Holly Ridge Happenings

Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain.
Laughter and teardrops, pleasure and pain, low tides and high tides, mountains and plains, triumphs, defeats and losses and gains.
But always in all ways God’s guiding and leading and He alone knows the things we’re most needing.
And when he sends sorrow or some dreadful affliction, be assured that it comes with God’s kind benediction and if we accept it as a gift of His love, we’ll be showered with blessing from our Father above!

Alan Thompson is now at home after his falling down the stairs, breaking his hip and having a complete hip replacement. Came to the store Sunday afternoon and was moving pretty good. I’m glad. Well the old saying says “you can’t keep a good man down.” Right?
Coming by to see me was Barbara Pierce and Mary Undergood.
They had been up visiting with their aunt, Opal Jones.
Stopping by on Friday was Doris L Patterson and daughter and Mack Levingston from Haughton.
Eddie Sistruck from Bastrop come by on Friday for a most welcome visit. I say Bastrop, but he really lives up above Hughes Chapel Church.
Roger Dew was down from Springhill on Tuesday.
The Thompson’s were down in Lafayette this past weekend where Cooper had another wrestling meet. Won one and lost two, but the ones who beat him had been wrestling a while. He love it!
David and Kay Shanks from Bossier City were here on Saturday to see us. Great couple that only God could have sent my way. I thank God for them every day.
Happy Birthday this week to: Emmalynn Johnson (7 years) on March 3rd, Tina Silk and Phyllis Moore on March 4th, Deborah Ogles on March 5th, June Payne, Jane Tarver, Joe Meeks on March 6th. May these celebrate many more happy ones!
Anniversary wishes to: Gail and Gary D. Cheek (33 years) on March 2nd, Rita and Bobby McCowin, Shelby and Richard Brock on March 6th.
I wish these couples many more happy years together!
Have a good week. Please call and share.
Remember: The greatest test of faith is when you don’t get what you want, but still you are able to say “Thank you Lord”.

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