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Burglars hit unlocked cars in Oak Grove

At least three unlocked vehicles in Oak Grove have been robbed by burglars in recent days.
Interim Police Chief Louis Russell cautions residents to lock their vehicles at all times.  He said vehicles are even more likely to be burglarized during the summer when school is out than in other months.  Recent reports include one burglary of a car parked at Carroll Nursing Home.  The victim reported that a wallet and other items were taken.
The chief said another wallet was stolen from a vehicle that had been parked in another location.  Russell said that a few months back a woman had drove up to a church, got out of her car and delivered something, and discovered missing items when she returned to her vehicle.
Residents and visitors to town are urged to always lock their vehicles when they park them. None of the vehicles  involved showed forcible entry, the chief pointed out.  
Russell said theft of street signs in town have also been reported.
 He said the Oak Grove Police Department is now investigating those incidents.

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