News, sports and entertainment for Richland Parish, La.

Holly Ridge Happenings


Love doesn’t self destruct. We choke it with unkind words. We start it with  empty promises. We poison it with toxic blame. We break it by trying to bend it to our will. No, love doesn’t die on its own, we kill it. Breath by bitter breath. Wise are those who realize that they hold the fate of their love in their hands, and blessed are those who keep it alive.

I’d like to thank each one for their prayers, calls and cards that I received during my hospital stay. I had a heart ablation procedure and I think it might work. I’m feeling much better now, Hopefully for a long, long, time.

Here is wishing everyone a very happy and safe Memorial day. Thanks to all of our Veterans who with God’s help keep us safe in America!

Kelsie was her from Lafayette for a few days during my down time. I did enjoy her stay.

Tangie Thompson, Kyle and Mara Brown motored down to Baton Rouge on Saturday to be overnight guest of Jurie and Maria Thompson. They were there to hear Jackie deliver his first message in the pulpit on Sunday and received his certifications certificate. Had a real good time!

Coming over Monday as our friend Dan Little from West Monroe, Just come over to check on us “old folks’ He is the same age but I was glad he thought about us.

We had a power surge here at our store Saturday late evening. Had we not been here our “precious” store would have burned down but all  is good and things being replaced by N.L.P.C. I’m very grateful for that!

Happy Birthday this week to: Emily Hardy, Rayford Ogles on May 26th, my dear friend Hilda Clack on May 27th, Rodger Dew, Will Senn on May 28th, George Dew on may 29th, and my grandson, Tyler Cheek and Karen Senniff on May 30th, Janice Donald, Laurne Birtz, Tersa Rawls , J.B. Farrar on May 31, May nephew Justin Thompson, Opal Jones and Bud McNeese on June 1st. May these celebrate many more happy ones.

Happy Anniversary wishes to: Rita and Carlos Mann ( I believe 47 years) on May 26th, I wish for them many happy years together!

Have a great week! Please call and share.

Remember: If you want to hear good lasting fruit for the lord. Stay connected to the vine!


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